
✨ Pureness was kept

Traditional ActionCreator's return type and paylaod was tightly coupled.

function tick(message) {
  const date = new Date()
  if (message !== undefined) return { type: 'TIMER_TICK', payload: { date }}
  return { type: 'TIMER_TICK', payload: { date, message }}

ActionSources for createActions is just a pure javascript function's map. Input argument and return value is optional. This is pure function for all.

// ______________________________________________________
// @ ActionSources

function tick(message) {
  const date = new Date()
  if (message !== undefined) return { date }
  return { date, message }
export const ActionSources = { tick }

If you call createActions with this ActionSources and timer/ namespace, it will be behave as follows.

const { types, creators } = createActions(ActionSources, 'timer/')
const { type, payload } = creators.tick('current time notification')
console.log(types.tick) // timer/tick
console.log(type, payload.message) // timer/tick, 'current time notification'

Related: createActions ->

results matching ""

    No results matching ""