
📡 Caught outside Actions

Aggregate contain method of subscribe action. In the example below, subscribe TimerActions. It be required Subscriptions for subscribe. (TodosSB.Timer as follows)

import { createAggregate, createActions } from 'redux-aggregate'
import { TimerAC } from './actions/timer'
import { TodosMT, TodosSB } from './models/todos'
// ______________________________________________________
// @ Aggregates

export const Timer = createActions(TimerAC, 'timer/')
export const Todos = createAggregate(TodosMT, 'todos/')
Todos.subscribe(Timer, TodosSB.Timer)

Related: subscriptions ->

Upstream subscribing of Downstream

Being able to subscribe is not just Actions. An aggregate be able to subscribe another aggregate actions. As with Actions, the Downstream aggregate follows Upstream aggregate function name and payload.

// ______________________________________________________
// @ Aggregates

export const Timer = createActions(TimerAC, 'timer/')
export const Counter = createAggregate(CounterMT, 'counter/')
export const Todos = createAggregate(TodosMT, 'todos/')
export const Summary = createSubscriber()
Todos.subscribe(Timer, TodosSB.Timer)
Counter.subscribe(Timer, CounterSB.Timer)
Summary.subscribe(Timer, SummarySB.Timer)
Summary.subscribe(Counter, SummarySB.Counter)
Summary.subscribe(Todos, SummarySB.Todos)

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