
✅ In most use cases are enough for this

Mutaions is immutable mutate functions for state. Generate boilerplate starting from this MutationsMap. It be equal to behavior of Reducer. Let provide payload as the second argument if necessary. This is pure function for state.

const state = {
  count: 0,
  unit: 'pt'
// ______________________________________________________
// @ Mutations

function increment(state) {
  return { ...state, count: state.count + 1 }
function decrement(state) {
  return { ...state, count: state.count - 1 }
function setCount(state, value) {
  return { ...state, count: value }
export const Mutations = {

If you call createAggregate with this Mutations and counter/ namespace, it will be behave as follows.

const { types, creators } = createAggregate(Mutations, 'counter/')
const { type, payload } = creators.setCount(100)
console.log(types.setCount) // counter/setCount
console.log(type, payload) // counter/setCount, 100

Related: createAggregate ->

❓ How to define many-to-many

If need to extract definition of Actions, use createActions.
If need to extract definition of Reducers, use subscribe and subscriptions.

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